Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Example config.tcl for Oracle in AOLserver 3.4, e.g. sample-db-ini.txt

To answer my own question:

# Database drivers
# Given some of the available documentation, for example,
# you might expect Oracle configuration to follow the Sybase
# model and use an "external proxy daemon", but it does not.
# Also note the null {} datasource parameter.
ns_section "ns/db/drivers"
ns_param   ora8       ;# The ArsDigita Oracle driver

# Not needed for AD oracle driver.
#ns_section "ns/db/driver/ora8"
#ns_param   localdaemon     ???        ;# Name of the proxy daemon executable

ns_section "ns/db/pools"
ns_param   main        "Main Pool"
ns_param   log         "Log Pool"
ns_param   subquery    "Subquery Pool"

ns_section "ns/db/pool/main"
ns_param   driver          ora8
ns_param   datasource      {}
ns_param   user            foo
ns_param   password        bar
ns_param   connections     5
ns_param   logsqlerrors    true      ;# Verbose SQL query error logging
ns_param   verbose         false     ;# Verbose error logging
ns_param   maxidle         600       ;# Max time to keep idle db conn open
ns_param   maxopen         3600      ;# Max time to keep active db conn open

ns_section "ns/db/pool/log"
ns_param   driver          ora8
ns_param   datasource      {}
ns_param   user            foo
ns_param   password        bar
ns_param   connections     5
ns_param   logsqlerrors    true      ;# Verbose SQL query error logging
ns_param   verbose         false     ;# Verbose error logging
ns_param   maxidle         600       ;# Max time to keep idle db conn open
ns_param   maxopen         3600      ;# Max time to keep active db conn open

ns_section "ns/db/pool/subquery"
ns_param   driver          ora8
ns_param   datasource      {}
ns_param   user            foo
ns_param   password        bar
ns_param   connections     2
ns_param   logsqlerrors    true      ;# Verbose SQL query error logging
ns_param   verbose         false     ;# Verbose error logging
ns_param   maxidle         600       ;# Max time to keep idle db conn open
ns_param   maxopen         3600      ;# Max time to keep active db conn open

# Accessing DB pools
# In the case of virtual servers you can give different virtual
# servers access to different databases, or you can let them access
# them all.  AOLserver 3.x does not use virtual servers so the only
# useful value is "*", but if you use one config file for multiple nsd
# processes, or you are using a version of AOLserver that supports
# virtual servers, then you should list the pools you want to access.
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/db"
ns_param pools          *            ;# Wildcard gives access to all
ns_param defaultpool    main

An example of startup messages about a successful database configuration:

Notice: nsmain: AOLserver/3.4.2 starting
Notice: modload: loading '/opt/usr/local/aolserver/bin/'
Notice: ora8 driver LobBufferSize = 16384
Notice: ora8 driver PrefetchRows = 0
Notice: ora8 driver PrefetchMemory = 0
Notice: Loaded ArsDigita Oracle Driver version 2.6, built on 22:04:36/Aug 26 2002