Forum .LRN Q&A: Response to spam mail in dotLRN class gives the following error

You wre right, it is missing a define arg for bulk mail new. But it was more than that, apparent the function had a few problems with data types so I had to do some type casting with local vars.

The modified statements from bulk-mail-package-create.sql are found below Please see if I did it right.

Now spam.tcl works but when it reaches spam-2 it redirects to the community/control-panel and returns a page not found. I checked my installation and I can't find bulk mail or bullk mail applet or portlest anywhere. It is however, installed in the apm. Am not sure if this is a bug or a messed up installation. Will keep you posted but if you have an idea why please do comment. Thanks.

select define_function_args('bulk_mail__new','bulk_mail_id,package_id,send_date,date_format;YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS,sent_p:f,from_addr,subject,reply_to,extra_headers,message,query,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id');

create function bulk_mail__new (integer, integer, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, text, varchar, timestamp, integer, varchar, integer)
returns integer as '
    bulk_mail__new__bulk_mail_id alias for $1; -- default to null
    bulk_mail__new__package_id alias for $2;
    bulk_mail__new__send_date alias for $3; -- default to null
    bulk_mail__new__date_format alias for $4; -- default to "YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS"
    bulk_mail__new__sent_p alias for $5; -- default to "f"
    bulk_mail__new__from_addr alias for $6;
    bulk_mail__new__subject alias for $7; -- default to null
    bulk_mail__new__reply_to alias for $8; -- default to null
    bulk_mail__new__extra_headers alias for $9; -- default to null
    bulk_mail__new__message alias for $10;
    bulk_mail__new__query alias for $11;
    bulk_mail__new__creation_date alias for $12; -- default to now()
    bulk_mail__new__creation_user alias for $13; -- default to null
    bulk_mail__new__creation_ip alias for $14; -- default to null
    bulk_mail__new__context_id alias for $15; -- default to null
    v_bulk_mail_id integer;
    v_send_date varchar(4000);
    v_sent_p boolean;
    v_date_format char(100);

    v_bulk_mail_id := acs_object__new(

    if bulk_mail__new__date_format is null then
        -- bulk_mail__new__date_format := ''YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS'';
	v_date_format := ''YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS'';
       v_date_format := bulk_mail__new__date_format;
    end if;

    v_send_date := bulk_mail__new__send_date;
    if v_send_date is null then
        select to_char(now(), v_date_format)
        into v_send_date;
    end if;

    if bulk_mail__new__sent_p is null then
        -- bulk_mail__new__sent_p := ''f'';
	     v_sent_p := ''f'';
        v_sent_p := bulk_mail__new__sent_p;
    end if;

    into bulk_mail_messages
    (bulk_mail_id, package_id,
     send_date, sent_p,
     from_addr, subject, reply_to,
     extra_headers, message, query)
    (v_bulk_mail_id, bulk_mail__new__package_id,
     to_date(v_send_date,v_date_format), v_sent_p,
     bulk_mail__new__from_addr, bulk_mail__new__subject, bulk_mail__new__reply_to,
     bulk_mail__new__extra_headers, bulk_mail__new__message, bulk_mail__new__query);

    return v_bulk_mail_id;

' language 'plpgsql';