Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Sould we add acs-automated-testing into acs-core?

Yeah, you're right, Lars.  If you want to get super-technical about it, my definition is "the set of packages gotten by grabbing openacs-4-core from CVS".  This is essentially the ACS 4.2 core tarball with a couple of additions made by us over time (things that need to be there to resolve dependencies, mostly or entirely or something like that).

There are already packages that aren't mounted by default in that set, though they should all be installed at startup I think (I haven't checked this in a long, long time and might be wrong).

Revisiting "what's in core and what's not" seems like a good idea for 4.7, which hopefully is when we'll have download options other than "download everything in existence in one big tarball".