Request processor documentation states:
...If the RP can't find any matching files with the expected
extensions, it will look for virtual-url-handler files, or .vuh files.
A .vuh file will be executed as if it were a Tcl file, but with the
tail end of the URL removed.
Is there any way to actually preserve/retrieve the "tail end" of
original request? For example, if I want to move from a legacy site
engine I was using, but I do want to preserve all of old content and
want OACS to handle request to to look up a
some-story.html under /www/ols-site/, the following code (saved as
index.vuh) does not help:
set url_list [split [ad_conn url] "="]
set story [lindex $url_list 1]
if { [empty_string_p $story] } {
# redirect to old home
set home_url ""
ad_returnredirect "[ad_conn package_url]/$home_url"
} else {
rp_internal_redirect "/www/old/$story"
Any suggestions?