Hi Jon, indeed the sweeper proc does not run correctly. Try to run it again. The run this fix for the persons to set their names correctly (as you seem to have run the sweeper proc already).
db_foreach person {select latest_revision, first_names, last_name, email from persons p, parties pi, cr_items i where p.person_id = i.item_id and pi.party_id = p.person_id} {
ams::attribute::save::text -object_type "person" -object_id $latest_revision -attribute_name "first_names" -value $first_names
ams::attribute::save::text -object_type "person" -object_id $latest_revision -attribute_name "last_name" -value $last_name
ams::attribute::save::text -object_type "person" -object_id $latest_revision -attribute_name "email" -value $email
Last but not least find out what the default group for contacts is and add all the members to it.
The new sweeper proc should take care of this now.