Forum OpenACS Q&A: calendar's day widget bug

Posted by Rafael Calvo on

In my latest install of the calendar, the different colors in the rows
and the boxes around the events disapeared.
Did any one else have this problem?

BTW, the SMS alert system for calendar is ready, and Andrew
will be releasing it in the next few days. The same for a new
catalog system (Roger To and Mitsunori Habadera) and an IMAP
webmail client (Andrew Zeon). I (or them) will give more details
next week.

Posted by Rafael Calvo on
The only problem was that the stylsheets are missing some of the fields...

If the calendar administrator needs them, let me know.

Posted by Jeff Davis on
why don't you submit a patch to sdm and I will apply it.
Posted by Rafael Calvo on
The pacth should go in packages/dotlrn/www/dotlrn-master.tcl, not calendar. I am not sure which SDM should I be posting (dotlrn has not been merged) so I post it here
replace the existing css for:

Posted by Rafael Calvo on

I got the email alerts for my last 2 postings to this thread (code), but they do not show here... a bug in 3.2.5 I guess?

Posted by Jeff Davis on
no, your post is there but it is not displayed since it was posted as html and the <script> tags hide the content (the css code).

If you do a "display source" in your browser you will see it's there.