Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Oracle 9i Migration Toolkit

Posted by Doug Harris on
Nice job with the migration toolkit.

I was investigating this issue before I found this toolkit and I discovered another workaround. Rather than renaming the delete procedure, renaming the parameter works as well. For example:

-- original
procedure delete (
  person_id	in persons.person_id%TYPE
  delete from persons
  where person_id = person.delete.person_id;

 end delete;

-- new
procedure delete (
  v_person_id	in persons.person_id%TYPE
  delete from persons
  where person_id = v_person_id;

 end delete;
By doing this, you don't need to change pages which call person.delete() because only the formal parameter has changed.

I haven't completely implemented this solution yet, nor have I tried it for rename. I also have a TAR open with Oracle to see if there is a "lax package syntax" flag available or some other easier solution.

Sorry for responding to such an old thread, but it's a current topic for me.