Some more info: i did
1) fresh install from the tar file of openacs-5-9-0 (from downloads),
2) navigate to /acs-admin/install/,
3) clicked on "install from repo",
4) selected "xowiki" + install
When install finished, i got acs-kernel 5.9.1d17, xowiki 5.9.1d10, and xotcl-core 0.149 (notice: slightly different from yours). creating an xowiki page and deleting it via wiki-menu or trash-can button in admin/list, worked, but bulk-action delete caused the failure (as Antonio noticed).
Concerning the "www-" prefix: The introduction this prefix was not really a recent change, but happened about 1 year ago (Dec 23, 2015). Background: On more complex installations, many methods can be made callable via the www interface. For these methods, argument checking has to be made more carefully, and proper access policies have to be defined. In order to make this fact explicit in the code and to avoid potential name clashes, the www-prefix was introduced for methods callable over the web-interface.
The method name in the bulk-actions is now s well fixed in the oacs-5-9 branch. During the next days, i'll make the next series of apm packages install-able via .apm, including the recent content security policy (CSP) changes.
now, let us see, how the wold championship qualifying games work out. .... i am not really concerned about the results of Italy's game.