Forum OpenACS Q&A: variables to xml and back

Posted by Benjamin Brink on

Are there any benefits to using "the" OpenACS way to handle xml transactions via tdom::* procs in acs-tcl package?

Is there any documentation (besides the hint in api-doc) and examples anywhere?

I see some evidence of tdom being used directly. For example, acs-api-browser has one case of using "dom parse". acs-tcl packages appears to have numerous cases of using tdom in the tcl/*xml*-*procs.tcl files, but no public api doc.


Posted by Benjamin Brink on
Looks like the tdom:: procs are the way forward; and may be used to create other ways.

I need to learn tcl object conventions. And run some example tests, then will probably have some more specific questions.

Thank you.

Posted by Benjamin Brink on
LOL. I may have figured out a way of representing DOM in tcl that fits non-OO semantics. I've already used the technique without realizing its potential for XML. Might be a little slower by the operation, but heck of a lot easier (for me) to visualize and use. Will explain with some examples after some sleep etc.

Basically: xml_obj_larr([list $node1 $node2 $node3 .. $nodeN]) [list $element1 $element2 ..]

In code I write '_larr' is array suffix short for list array ie. an array where each value is a list. In XDCPM, I put paths ie nodes in the hash to shortcut some network analysis..


Posted by Benjamin Brink on

Oops. Messed up the terminology.

Looks like there needs to be two arrays:

For a node N elements deep, M repetitions, P attributes:

set hash [list $element1 $element2 .. $elementN]

text is in a list:

set dom_obj_text_larr(${hash}) [list text1 text2 text3 .. textM]

Attribute value pairs is in same element hash, different array. Value is a standard name/value list:

set dom_obj_att_val_larr(${hash}) [list $attribute1 $value1 .. $attributeP $valueP]

Still exploring..

Posted by Benjamin Brink on

Attribute value pairs of $dom_obj_att_val_larr($hash) needs to be restated in context of the other array's values, since each element may have different att/value pairs, with or without text.

set dom_obj_att_val_larr(${hash}) [list \
[list $attribute1 $value1 .. $attributeP $valueP] \ < --for case text1
[list $attribute1 $value1 .. $attributeP $valueP] \ < --for case text2
[list $attribute1 $value1 .. $attributeP $valueP] \ < --for case textM

The default value for $dom_obj_text_larr(${hash}) elements without text is an empty list.

Posted by Benjamin Brink on
This likely isn't appropriate for dynamic xml DOMs, but seems straightforward for importing/exporting static cases.