Forum OpenACS Development: OpenACS 5.9.1 beta 1 available

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Dear all,

Since the last release of OpenACS was about a year ago, it becomes time for a new release! I've put together a beta release of OpenACS 5.9.1 [1] containing the packages of the oacs-5-9 branch. The beta release of 5.9.1 differs from OpenACS 5.9.0 by the following figures

 3348 files changed, 311853 insertions(+), 152770 deletions(-)
The rough summary is in [2], the detailed summary is in the changelog [3]. There will be a more complete summary provided for the final release.

The tar file contains 3 new packages to make richtext-editors pluggable:

  • richtext-ckeditor4
  • richtext-tinymce
  • richtext-xinha
Below is a listing of the packages ordered by the number of changes (sum of insertion and deletions) giving some indication where the development happened (although the high number of changes in ref-timezones comes from a timezone data update and the change in acs-templating comes from the deletion of the rich-text editor there)

After the release of OpenACS 5.9.1, the development will continue on cvs HEAD, and the oacs-5-9 branch will be stable, maybe receiving some bug fixes.


78978 ref-timezones
20622 acs-templating
18918 acs-content-repository
13755 acs-tcl
 8879 acs-subsite
 5845 acs-core-docs
 5167 xowiki
 4302 xotcl-core
 3869 chat
 2769 acs-lang
 2607 dotlrn
 2460 acs-admin
 1910 xotcl-request-monitor
 1889 assessment
 1702 acs-kernel
 1624 file-storage
 1370 acs-events
 1363 forums
 1200 calendar
 1024 evaluation
  973 acs-api-browser
  867 acs-automated-testing
  838 categories
  818 acs-bootstrap-installer
  685 news
  666 acs-messaging
  551 acs-datetime
  472 acs-developer-support
  429 acs-authentication
  414 chat-portlet
  406 new-portal
  402 notifications
  390 general-comments
  382 xowf
  363 faq
  326 acs-reference
  296 dotlrn-homework
  252 theme-zen
  246 attachments
  235 rss-support
  234 acs-service-contract
  224 search
  202 oacs-dav
  171 acs-mail-lite
  170 news-portlet
  131 dotlrn-portlet
  119 calendar-portlet
  109 fs-portlet
   93 evaluation-portlet
   87 dotlrn-fs
   86 tsearch2-driver
   83 openacs-default-theme
   82 static-portlet
   78 forums-portlet
   70 survey
   67 dotlrn-forums
   60 assessment-portlet
   59 bulk-mail
   58 faq-portlet
   42 dotlrn-dotlrn
   39 ref-countries
   30 dotlrn-news
   28 ref-language
   28 dotlrn-bm
   26 dotlrn-evaluation
   26 dotlrn-assessment
   26 bm-portlet
   23 ajaxhelper
   20 dotlrn-calendar
   18 dotlrn-static
   16 dotlrn-faq
   14 xowiki-portlet
   12 user-profile
Posted by Prem Thomas on

Much admiration for how masterfully you've overseen the maintenance and expansion of a grand mansion and grounds, which otherwise would fall into disrepair and desuetude. Instead of weeds and large cracks in the facade, we see azaleas and daffodils, porticos and pools.

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Dear all,

one more beta release of OpenACS 5.9.1 is available via . This differs from the first beta by some glitches found while testing the first beta release. The new archive contains just the core packages, a full archive of all packages from the oacs-5-9 branch will follow.
