Forum OpenACS Development: FS pkg: Upload multiple files
I have multiple files coming trough file-storage > file-add > form > new_data > fs::add_file
The form filed remained named as upload_file and after submit, its structure is as showed bellow:
upload_file.content-type = image/png
upload_file = logo-flag1.png
upload_file.tmpfile = /tmp/ns-Hzx2ir
upload_file.content-type = image/png
upload_file = logo-flag2.png
upload_file.tmpfile = /tmp/ns-Z8Hie3
Within the TCL file file-add.tcl: the field of the form is still "upload_file (datatype file)" but now it has two or more files
ad_page_contract {..} {...
However Naviserver complains with the following message:
[22/Mar/2017:18:22:37][1688.7fe85bfff700][-conn:1contact:3-] Warning: User experienced 'You've supplied two values for 'upload_file'' when submitting a form related to path_info:
Thus, I've tried to adapt the script adding the upload_file as a multiple variable. But it doesn't work as expected.
ad_page_contract {..} {...
but such amend overwrote the file contents and part of the files attributes (i.e. content-type and tmp file) are gone. the variable upload_file now has only the filenames
upload_file.content-type = image/png
upload_file = logo-flag1.png
upload_file.tmpfile = /tmp/ns-Hzx2ir
upload_file.content-type = image/png
upload_file = logo-flag2.png
upload_file.tmpfile = /tmp/ns-Z8Hie3
What would be the correct data structure to the variable in order to accept multiple files within it as in the example above?
Best wishes,
[22/Mar/2017:18:22:37][1688.7fe85bfff700][-conn:1contact:3-] Warning: User experienced 'You've supplied two values for 'upload_file'' when submitting a form related to path_info:
called from template::adp_parse /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce {}
called from adp_parse_ad_conn_file
called from rp_serve_concrete_file /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce.adp
called from rp_serve_abstract_file 0 0 .* /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce
called from rp_handler
POST referred by ''; peer user_id 698
to better understand: can you please post the exact content of the upload_file variable before and after your "multiple" modification?
Also, I would be interested in the exact ad_page_contract of your page (the page variable definition) before and after.
One thing that pops into my mind at the moment could have something to do with the :array flag. Maybe could help.
All the best
I believe the problem is that I have no clue how to handle variables with the structure "var.var" such as upload_file.tmpfile.
The chunk of code is very similar, if not the same, of file-add.tcl > ad_form > new_data's block.
To get started, I tried to ns_log Notice "$upload_file - $upload_file.tmpfile" within error.log but I had no success except for:
set myform [ns_getform]
if {[string equal "" $myform]} {
ns_log Notice "No Form was submited"
} else {
ns_log Notice "FORM"
ns_set print $myform
for {set i 0} {$i < [ns_set size $myform]} {incr i} {
set varname [ns_set key $myform $i]
set varvalue [ns_set value $myform $i]
if {[string match {cat_*} $varname]} {
#set varname [lindex [split $varname "_"] 1]
#lappend lchars "$varname $varvalue"
TCL's file croate-annonce.tcl:
Also error.log is here:
Best wishes,
Bellow, it is the error that returns if I remove "multiple" from ad_page_contract headers.
[23/Mar/2017:08:36:11][1711.7f2caa548700][-conn:1contact:0-] Warning: User experienced 'You've supplied two values for 'upload_file'' when submitting a form related to path_info:
called from template::adp_parse /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce {}
called from adp_parse_ad_conn_file
called from rp_serve_concrete_file /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce.adp
called from rp_serve_abstract_file 0 0 .* /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce
called from rp_handler
POST referred by ''; peer user_id 698
[23/Mar/2017:08:36:11][1711.7f2caa548700][-conn:1contact:0-] Warning: User experienced 'You've supplied two values for 'upload_file.tmpfile'' when submitting a form related to path_info:
called from template::adp_parse /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce {}
called from adp_parse_ad_conn_file
called from rp_serve_concrete_file /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce.adp
called from rp_serve_abstract_file 0 0 .* /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce
called from rp_handler
POST referred by ''; peer user_id 698
[23/Mar/2017:08:36:11][1711.7f2caa548700][-conn:1contact:0-] Warning: User experienced 'You've supplied two values for 'upload_file'' when submitting a form related to path_info:
called from template::adp_parse /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce {}
called from adp_parse_ad_conn_file
called from rp_serve_concrete_file /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce.adp
called from rp_serve_abstract_file 0 0 .* /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce
called from rp_handler
POST referred by ''; peer user_id 698
[23/Mar/2017:08:36:11][1711.7f2caa548700][-conn:1contact:0-] Warning: User experienced 'You've supplied two values for 'upload_file.tmpfile'' when submitting a form related to path_info:
called from template::adp_parse /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce {}
called from adp_parse_ad_conn_file
called from rp_serve_concrete_file /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce.adp
called from rp_serve_abstract_file 0 0 .* /var/www/1contact/packages/1c-annonces/www/create-annonce
called from rp_handler
POST referred by ''; peer user_id 698
[23/Mar/2017:08:36:11][1711.7f2caa548700][-conn:1contact:0-] Notice:
I could make a toy example for you. Create a page in %server-root%/www/test-form.tcl with this code:
ad_page_contract {
} {
set existing {}
foreach f ${upload_file.tmpfile} {
lappend existing [file exists $f]
ns_return 200 text/html "$upload_file -- ${upload_file.tmpfile} -- $existing -- ${upload_file.content-type}"
Then from the /ds/shell test it like this:
set files {
{data aaa filename test.html fieldname upload_file}
{data bbb filename test2.txt fieldname upload_file}
array set r [util::http::post -url -files $files]
set r(page)
As you can see, multiple file uploads will make each variable a list you can loop through in respective order.
Hope this helps
You helped me to realize that there's nothing new!
"var.var" is a simple thing and it should the treated as a list. The usage of foreach statement is enough to iterate and catch all multiple values within the variable.
The key was that I should have used the entire name explicitly, as the variable's name (i.e. upload_file.tmpfile).
I was killing myself because I was trying to reach the values,
using only the first part of its name, as in: $upload_file and $upload_file(tmp file). Then, I got lost writing more trash code related to TCL array and etc
Thanks again and Best wishes,