Torsben writes:
"Is there a place to post draft documentation on OpenACS -so writing/editing can be more easily shared and progress reports made self evident?"
Unfortunately not yet. However, I suspect that having such area is not the problem. If someone would like to volunteer to write documentation, even if not at first in Docbook, they would do it, as happenned with the "Top OpenACS things I learned" document that was written.
If someone is interested in writing anything for OpenACS, please write to me saying what you'd like to write. It's preferrable to get it written directly in Docbook XML (it's not hard, see tho OpenACS Documentation guide at, but at the current state of our user documentation (that would be pathetic), I'd accept text (but no HTML, it's too painful to re-write all the tags for Docbook. I did it for the "Permissions Tediously Explained" document).