Here are some thoughts and recommendations, all IMO and based on my
own company's needs:
- Our company is very project based. We've got a bazillion projects going
on at the same time, and the ability to track what is happening with each
project and what has been done already is extremely important. For this
reason, the projects have to be *very* flexible.
- It was a fairly easy modification to ACS 3.4.10 to make more than 2 levels
of projects. Our Intranet has unlimited levels of projects.
- We should make it really easy to add different types of data to the
calendar. We should also make it easy for companies to decide how their
calendars are shown (group calendars, personal calendars, or maybe just
one shared calendar in the company).
- We need a very easy to use "collaborative to-do list" aka ticket tracker.
These should be linked to projects, and shown on the calendar. The project
page should show 1) what needs to be done on the project, 2) what has been
done, as far as hours, closed tickets, etc and shown in one place, 3) what the
current state of the project is (who is responsible for it, when if any the
deadline for the project is, etc..
- If we made a migration path from the old ACS 3.4.x Intranet to the new
dotWRK, I'm sure we'd have a lot of early adopters that could test this code out
😊 It would also pull in more developrs, like me for example. Wishful thinking
- In our company, we are not geographically dispersed, so let's make sure
that it's easy for a small 25 person company in one location to use this too.
I'm sure I'll have more thoughts later. :)