Forum OpenACS Development: Windows-OpenACS Version 4.0.0

Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
Spazio IT has just delivered (11th of August 2017) Windows-OpenACS Version 4.0.0
This port consists of the following pieces of software:

1. naviserver-4.99.16d9 – including
1.1 nsdbpg 2.2
1.2 nsoracle 2.8a1
1.3 nsssl 2.1
2. tcl-8.6.7
3. tck-8.6.7
4. tDOM-0.8.3
5. xotcl-2.0.0 (nsf 2.0.0)
6. libthread-2.8.1
7. tcllib-1.18
8. zlib-1.2.8
9. postgresql-9.6.3
10. openssl-1.1.0e
11. OpenACS 5.9.1

External binaries:
a. Strawberry Perl including MinGW 64 binaries (
b. Curl 7.47.0 (

Hope it helps,