ad_proc [acs_user::delete -user_id $user_id -permanent] , to permanently remove a user, crashed. Because of a content item (i.e. a portrait), the user partially remains in the system. It doesn't show up in the admin user's list (i.e. acs-admin/users/complex-search?), but it's still present into tables: persons, parties and acs-objects.
I tried CASCADE but I haven't succeeded. Plus, I know it's not smart, but I'm wondering if removing FK constraints temporarily and swiping the user manually would be a solution.
Is there anything wiser than that?
Best wishes,
evex=# delete from acs_objects WHERE object_id = 11531 ;
ERROR: update or delete on table "acs_objects" violates foreign key constraint "parties_party_id_fk" on table "parties"
DETAIL: Key (object_id)=(11531) is still referenced from table "parties".