Question 1: does putting the tcl_url2file array into the :: namespace guarantee consistency across all threads (in the same way that nsv_set does in my previous message)?
no, global Tcl variables are not shared, i have left that in the way, the original implementer of the performance-mode designed it (ages ago). actually, this variables are per-request only, since these are in the global Tcl namespace, so the only caching is within a single request. Not sure, if this was the intention. I would think that a non-global Tcl namespace would be more proper (but i have not studied the so-called performance mode in detail). In general, Tcl variables have some advantages over nsvs. When using nsvs, locks are required, while in the case for Tcl variables, parallel running requests are not influenced and can run independently on e.g. different cores without any need of context switches etc.. So, if one is really concerned about performance and scalability, Tcl variables are better scalable
Question 2: Whether PerformanceModeP is on or off, it always caches these values .. Seeing as this proc is called on every single request, wouldn't it be a boost to only do this when PerformanceModeP is on?
I would not expect a "boost", rather that the difference will be hardly noticeable. On all timings are in the range of a single microsecond or below (having maybe time granularity issues). The following commands measure in the ds/shell the basic involved commands, without taking multi-threading in account (no contention on the involved mutex). The slowest call is actually "ad_conn", which is repeated in the code, The biggest improvement would be to avoid the redundant calls to ad_conn.
lappend _ [time {if { [rp_performance_mode] } { set ::tcl_url2file(/) /foo} } 100000]
lappend _ [time {set ::tcl_url2file(/) /foo} 100000]
lappend _ [time {nsv_set urlpath_file / /foo} 100000]
lappend _ [time {ad_conn url} 100000]
set _
{0.30203 microseconds per iteration} {0.29609 microseconds per iteration} {0.33538 microseconds per iteration} {1.22374 microseconds per iteration}
You mentioned that "the client complained of slow performance" when performance mode is off. Do you have some data backing this? It can't be due to the urlpath mapping.