Ben, i hadn't thought about the added complexity of dotWRK or dotORG... i guess it would make more sense then... since i'm still new to openacs i'm not as aware of all that is going on in terms of side projects... and more importantly how independent/dependent on the core they are. i can understand the idea of sepearting things such as the core from Linus vs. distros like RedHat, SuSe, Mandrake, etc... so i think the idea certainly has a lot of merit, though i think that given the reasonably small number of packages currently available, that it isn't currently needed... linux distros on the other hand have many, many, many software programs... so it is more necessary. That is not to say that it wouldn't be nice, just that i think a solution to this "problem" isn't currently needed or highly sought after. Though this is the opinion of money newbie that is just trying to work on his first two packages... so take my opinion about the core as a reasonably uninformed one.