Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Request for Comments and Discussion: Building a Leaner, Meaner OpenACS with MIST

Having thought about it further, I'm still a bit unclear about the issue of how MIST would affect testing.

At the moment, ok it comes in a bigb bang and then nothign for a while, so I can see the benefit in spreading that about a bit, but the scheme seems to suggest (looking forward a year or two) a large collection of suff, scattered about quite widely and I mean that in the sense relationship to the community, and various developers working away each on an entirely different schedule, with there being greater difficulty therefore in every acheiving meaninful points of synchronicity.

And due to this arrangement, the it does make the business of organisign and managing a testing effort to get a fairly even quality level becomes much harder (and more time consuming ;).

I'm not saying that this is necessarily something we can't put a different kind of scheme around, but I wanted to highlight that the MIST scheme, if adopted in this full form, will also have quite an impact on other activities, and therefore is actally a pretty radical overhaul of the way things are done now.

I think its may well be a goal we'd like to reach, but perhaps this (and the things its related to ) might be broken up into baby steps at least, or perhaps change slightly to accomodate the other activities