Because of the not perfectly homogeneous implementation of the UI toolkit that I am trying to integrate, I have to touch/style many of the form widgets individually (e.g., some widgets require the label to come after the input, others require it to appear before, ...).
Currently, I am styling these widgets individually using adp "switch" and "if" tags within the template openacs-my-theme/resources/forms/my-form.adp. (Similarly, but much more extensively, as it happens in openacs-bootstrap3-theme/resources/forms/form-horizontal.adp.)
In my case, the duplication is not really acceptable anymore. The code would be much more readable, if I would be able to use the <include> tag there; wrapping it inside a <noparse> Tag does not help, unfortunately. Wrapping it in two nested <noparse> removes the error, but the code is not executed at all, then. It might also help, if I would be able to use a .tcl file as companion to this ADP, but this is not supported either.