Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Code freeze in favor of documentation for 4.7

Posted by Ben Adida on
news is probably good for CR demoing, although there is some stuff in news that isn't too pretty (as Jun mentioned). But if the goal is to demo CR, it's probably the best bet in terms of being not too large and generally tractable.

(When I was in the process of outlining my docs for this, I was thinking about using forums as an example, which is a simple package written after looking at many other packages. Also, that could extend into a dotLRN development tutorial with dotlrn-forums. However, forums does not use the CR, so if that's the goal, then forums is not it. It might be interesting to extend the news doc into a dotlrn-news doc... I'll see how we can make that work.)

Jeff: I was also thinking about notifications. It's a simple package that provides mostly a service, but also a few end-user pages, and makes extensive use of acs-service-contract. I don't think notifications would fit the bill completely, though, so it might be something to do in addition to news? Maybe what we can do is work together on an outline and presentation style, and you can work on news while I work on notifications to present two different types of packages?