Hi Iuri,
The ecommerce package has pagination for displaying products in a category (or no category) that uses MULTIPLE and db_multirow:
For no category:
Also, this link shows an alternate way for pagination for up to tens of thousands of items:
It uses the proc qfo_sp_table_g2.
It does not use MULTIPLE or listtemplate or db_multirow.
To use qfo_sp_table_g2 , supply a tcl list of lists representing a table in the same way that db_list_of_lists works, and a couple other parameters related to sorting and column names.
For just pagination, this proc provides the calculations: hf_pagination_by_items I used an early version of it for paginating over 35,000 products in a modified version of ecommerce a little over 10 years ago. The old version is at ecommerce/lib/pagination-bar.adp (and .tcl)