Forum OpenACS Development: Forum Threads fed by Email

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
I was unfortunate when I found out that Forum's pkg doesn't have documentation available at

Once, I've used acs-mail-lite together with bug-tracker to interface ticket creation through emails.

I was wondering if Forum's pkg would have such feature.

Is it possible to feed forum threads with emails?
What would be necessary to track emails and threads respectively?

Best wishes,

Posted by Benjamin Brink on
Hi Iuri,
I have a limited connection right now, just wanted to chime in to say I'm fairly certain forums package has had that feature. I haven't used it, but OpenACS had it for awhile (if not now).

There should be enough documentation for setting up incoming email in the acs-mail-lite package on head. It contains an aggregate of the oacs-9 ways of handling incoming email, and a new, more general oacs-10 way. Forums has not yet been adjusted to the new way AFAIK.


Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
Thanks Ben,

I'm still debugging forum pkg, but I haven't found yet. Peharps, I found something nice to contribute!
I'll keep you posted.
Best wishes,

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
Hi there,

I have implemeted a callback to receive emails, create new forums, new threads, and answer existent threads, based on the email properties (i.e. to, from, subject and body template and content.

I forked forum pkg, adding this new chunk of code, within forums/tcl/forum-callback-procs.tcl and -postgresql.xql. I've added directly within forum pkg core.

My goal was to implement my MVP and test it quickly. I could easily create a new pkg, as an extension of forum's pkg. If we decide this code is worthwhile. It's very small, simple and straight forward.

Many thanks do Dave. I grabbed his original source code from bug-tracker.

Best wishes,

## ad_proc -public -callback acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl
forums {
{-package_id ""}
} {
a callback that posts a new forum or thread to a forums instance
} {
upvar $array email
