Hi Brian,
lol! Reading your words caused me a relief! My name's on the last 8 threads or more, in this Forum. I was wondering if I was alone... :)
My instance runs:
provides url="acs-kernel" version="5.9.1d17"
HEAD's on version 5.10 already, and I ran a DIFF comparing files /packages/acs-tcl/tcl/security-procs.tcl and /packages/acs-authentication/tcl/aithentication-procs.tcl .
There were several modifications. I posted some examples below, where the amends were applied precisely at [ad_get_login_url], and affect directly the URL and RETURN_URL assignments.
Based on that, we better upgrade our instances!
+ if {$host_node_id == 0} {
+ unset host_node_id
- ns_log $::security::log(login_url) "ad_get_login_url: final login_url <$url>"
+ set url [export_vars -base $url -no_empty {authority_id username return_url host_node_id}]
+ ::security::log login_url "ad_get_login_url: final login_url <$url>"
provides url="acs-tcl" version="5.10.0d21"/
I won’t doubt we will read from Gustaf soon! Something like “solution has been applied in the release …",
Best wishes,