Forum OpenACS Development: Re: returning to a url after execution of auth::require_login

Hi Brian,

Sorry for delay. Here's the piece of code (palliative) that I added to my script in order to make it work. (i.e. Passing arguments from one page to another, with login authentication in the middle)

ad_set_cookie -replace "t" -path "/" op $id
ad_set_cookie -replace "t" -path "/" period $period

Once that is executed in the previous page (before login auth), both variables are stored in the session. And later on, in the next page, and after login auth, I grab them and destroy the session

# Unset vars from sesssion
ad_unset_cookie op
ad_unset_cookie period

Indeed, I need to upgrade my instance to the latest code. I haven't done it yet, because I forked a few notifications (to recover password and register confirmation), thus I need to replace them into a new custom pkg (outside acs-authentication).

Best wishes,