I changed the proc to use upvar instead:
ad_proc -private template::adp_quote_chunk { chunk_var_name quoted_var_name } {
Quotes (precedes by backslash) all square brackets, curly braces,
double quotes, backslashes, and dollar signs in a chunk of adp.
@param chunk_var_name The name of the variable to quote
@param quoted_var_name The name of the variable to put the quoted result in
@author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz)
@creation-date 2002-10-16
} {
upvar $chunk_var_name chunk $quoted_var_name quoted
regsub -all {[][{}"\$]} $chunk {\&} quoted
and calling the proc now becomes:
adp_quote_chunk remaining remaining_quoted
Does using upvar consume less memory, is it faster? Should I be using upvar here?