The problem is that if you use ad_page_contract as it stands it is
convenient for developers and maybe easier to maintain but then you
get error pages like:
We had a problem processing your entry:
* Value for subject contains HTML tags
* bug Id must be an integer
Please back up using your browser, correct it, and resubmit your entry.
Thank you.
which is infinitely worse from a user standpoint that inline error
messages like you get with the form builder code.
You can say the form builder code is bad but I am pretty sure it (or
something roughly as complex) is necessary for building a usable web
interface. Form builder has failings and we should address them (the
one Dave ran into and the duplication of filtering/validation procs
between ad_page_contract and the form stuff being a couple I am aware
of). Any replacement would like have roughly equivalent shortcomings
over the medium term.
It is also a misconception that form builder replaces
ad_page_contract. ad_page_contract also serves to document pages
which have no associated forms and ensure that inputs adhere to strict
rules. It has it's place even on pages with forms.