present: Carl, Dave, Don, Emmanuelle, Olga, Raúl
- 2.2.1b1 testing:
upgrade from 2.2.0 in postgreSQL 8.0 and fresh install on Oracle 9i have been tested without problem. further tests will be done this week.- Raúl: oracle upgrades tomorrow
- Dave: Oracle 8.0 and 10g install
- dotlrn packages oacs-5-3 branch: what is the state of assessment and lors packages? can we branch them?
oacs-5-3 branch of dotlrn packages will be done this week including lors and assessment by Emmanuelle
regarding assessment, the admin UI is using xinha and this should be optional to meet accessibility requirements for 2.3 (level AA for all end users)- final release: which versions of ora and pg are we supporting?
2.2.1 to be released by the end of the week or early next week, RDBM supported will be:
- Oracle 8i, 9i and 10g if testing of the last one goes ok
- Postgresql 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 if 8.0 and 8.2 get testing
Final support list will come with final release.
- translation server: reinstall?
postponed until victor is present.