Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Ajax Helper 0.8d committed to CVS HEAD

Posted by Claudio Pasolini on
Hi Hamilton,

I'd like to generate a yui menu with the ajaxhelper proc ah::yui::menu_from_list and so far I have:

  • installed ajaxhelper from HEAD
  • changed blnk-master.tcl and blank-master.adp following the instructions in the docs
  • created a testyui.tcl :
    set menu_list [list [list "Yahoo" "";] [list "Google" "";] [list "Vestasoft" "";]]

    ah::yui::menu_from_list \ -varname mymenu \ -id actions \ -menulist $menu_list \ -arrayname yuimenu

    set script_show $yuimenu(show) set script_render $yuimenu(render)

but now I'm stuck because I don't know how to proceed with the adp part. I tried to load the rendering script declaring it within the header_stuff property, and actually it is loaded but I get a JS error telling
Error: missing : after property id
Could you kindly provide a working example?
Posted by Hamilton Chua on
There are tests that demonstrate how to use it in ajaxhelper/www/tests.

In particular, take a look at test_yahoomenu-js.

If ajaxhelper is mounted under /ajax, which it should be by default. Go to http://youropenacsinstant/ajax/tests/test_yahoomenu-js

Posted by Claudio Pasolini on
Thank You Hamilton,

I missed the tests directory!