Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to AOLserver 3.5

3: Response to AOLserver 3.5 (response to 1)
Posted by Bernd Eidenschink on
Hi David,

AOLserver 3.5 seems to be some kind of interim release to the upcoming 4.0 Version. The latter incorporates i18n support as you can see in CVS on sourceforge ("encoding.c", new in 4.0). Seems like you can set different encodings based on the mime type of the returning page/item, but not on a page per page manner using commands -- but I don't know for sure, just a first guess.

I compiled nssha1, nscache and nsopenssl with success against 3.5. As usual you have to increase the stack size parameter in the config file of nsd (default is 128x1024) if you use the server for big projects like OpenACS and others.
