Forum OpenACS Development: Re: OpenACS and Postgres 8.2
thanks a lot for your reply.
After having applied the mods described in the link you sent me, the following are the error messages I get.
[With Postgres 8.0 everything runs just fine]
I hope these error messages can be of some help!
Cheers and thanks,
[28/Dec/2006:08:57:55][6876.3344][-conn:0-] Notice: 0
[28/Dec/2006:08:57:55][6876.3344][-conn:0-] Notice: (1 row)
[28/Dec/2006:08:57:55][6876.3344][-conn:0-] Error: Error sourcing /aolserver/ope
psql:postgresql.sql:44: WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal
LINE 1: ...ion instr(varchar,char,integer,integer) returns integer as '
HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
psql:postgresql.sql:142: WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal
LINE 1: ...unction get_func_drop_command (varchar) returns varchar as '
HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
psql:postgresql.sql:172: WARNING: nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal
LINE 1: ...replace function drop_package (varchar) returns varchar as '
HINT: Use the escape string syntax for backslashes, e.g., E'\\'.
psql:postgresql.sql:172: WARNING: nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal
LINE 1: SELECT $1 || '\\_\\_' || '%'
HINT: Use the escape string syntax for backslashes, e.g., E'\\'.
QUERY: SELECT $1 || '\\_\\_' || '%'
CONTEXT: SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function "drop_package" near line 8
psql:postgresql.sql:201: WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal
LINE 1: ...reate or replace function number_src(text) returns text as '
HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
psql:postgresql.sql:251: WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal
LINE 1: ...on get_func_definition (varchar,oidvector) returns text as '
HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
psql:postgresql.sql:251: WARNING: nonstandard use of \' in a string literal
LINE 1: SELECT $1 || ') returns ' || $2 || ' as \'\n' || $3 |...
HINT: Use '' to write quotes in strings, or use the escape string syntax (E'...
QUERY: SELECT $1 || ') returns ' || $2 || ' as \'\n' || $3 || '\' langua
ge \'plpgsql\';'
CONTEXT: SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function "get_func_definition" near line 44
psql:postgresql.sql:251: WARNING: nonstandard use of \' in a string literal
LINE 1: ... || ') returns ' || $2 || ' as \'\n' || $3 || '\' langua...
HINT: Use '' to write quotes in strings, or use the escape string syntax (E'...
QUERY: SELECT $1 || ') returns ' || $2 || ' as \'\n' || $3 || '\' langua
ge \'plpgsql\';'
CONTEXT: SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function "get_func_definition" near line 44
psql:lob.sql:34: WARNING: changing return type of function on_lobs_delete from
"opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-metadata-create.sql:88: WARNING: changing return type of function acs_
object_type_insert_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-metadata-create.sql:137: WARNING: changing return type of function acs
_object_type_update_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
LINE 1: select acs_attribute_id_seq.nextval from dual
QUERY: select acs_attribute_id_seq.nextval from dual
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "acs_attribute__create_attribute" line 28 at SQL sta
PL/pgSQL function "inline_0" line 20 at assignment
psql:acs-objects-create.sql:254: WARNING: changing return type of function acs_
objects_mod_ip_insert_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-objects-create.sql:269: WARNING: changing return type of function acs_
objects_last_mod_update_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-objects-create.sql:307: WARNING: changing return type of function acs_
objects_insert_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-objects-create.sql:355: WARNING: changing return type of function acs_
objects_update_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-objects-create.sql:456: WARNING: changing return type of function acs_
objects_context_id_in_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-objects-create.sql:528: WARNING: changing return type of function acs_
objects_context_id_up_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-objects-create.sql:540: WARNING: changing return type of function acs_
objects_context_id_del_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-relationships-create.sql:446: WARNING: changing return type of functio
n acs_rels_in_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:utilities-create.sql:29: ERROR: syntax error at or near "'.nextval as a_se
LINE 1: SELECT 'select ' || quote_ident( $1 ) '.nextval as a_seq_va...
QUERY: SELECT 'select ' || quote_ident( $1 ) '.nextval as a_seq_val'
CONTEXT: SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function "util__multiple_nextval" near line
psql:groups-create.sql:424: WARNING: changing return type of function membershi
p_rels_in_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:groups-create.sql:439: WARNING: changing return type of function compositi
on_rels_in_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
LINE 4: (acs_object_id_seq.nextval, 'membership_rel', 'group');
LINE 4: (acs_object_id_seq.nextval, 'composition_rel', 'group');
psql:rel-segments-create.sql:292: WARNING: changing return type of function par
ties_in_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:rel-segments-create.sql:306: WARNING: changing return type of function par
ties_del_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:rel-segments-create.sql:329: WARNING: changing return type of function rel
_segments_in_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:rel-segments-create.sql:346: WARNING: changing return type of function rel
_segments_del_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:rel-constraints-create.sql:540: WARNING: changing return type of function
rel_constraints_ins_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:rel-constraints-create.sql:590: WARNING: changing return type of function
rel_constraints_del_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-permissions-create.sql:184: WARNING: changing return type of function
acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-permissions-create.sql:198: WARNING: changing return type of function
acs_priv_del_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:acs-permissions-create.sql:421: WARNING: changing return type of function
acs_permissions_lock_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:groups-body-create.sql:86: WARNING: changing return type of function membe
rship_rels_in_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:groups-body-create.sql:113: WARNING: changing return type of function memb
ership_rels_up_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:groups-body-create.sql:141: WARNING: changing return type of function memb
ership_rels_del_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:groups-body-create.sql:250: WARNING: changing return type of function comp
osition_rels_in_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:groups-body-create.sql:350: WARNING: changing return type of function comp
osition_rels_del_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:site-nodes-create.sql:99: WARNING: changing return type of function site_n
ode_insert_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
psql:site-nodes-create.sql:159: WARNING: changing return type of function site_
node_update_tr from "opaque" to "trigger"
LINE 1: select acs_object_id_seq.nextval from dual
QUERY: select acs_object_id_seq.nextval from dual
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "acs_object__new" line 17 at SQL statement
PL/pgSQL function "acs_rel__new" line 13 at assignment
PL/pgSQL function "membership_rel__new" line 11 at assignment
SQL statement "SELECT membership_rel__new ( null, 'membership_rel', acs__magic_
object_id('the_public'), acs__magic_object_id('unregistered_visitor'), 'approved
', null, null)"
PL/pgSQL function "inline_2" line 54 at perform
invoked from within
"db_source_sql_file -callback apm_ns_write_callback acs-kernel-create.sql"
(procedure "install_do_data_model_install" line 7)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if { ![install_good_data_model_p] } {
} else {
ns_write "Kernel data model already installed."
# If kernel i..."
(file "/aolserver/openacs/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/install
.tcl" line 37)
invoked from within
"source $__file "