Just another question, if you don't mind. In the file search/www/search.tcl, in the line 111 there's the following code:
# TODO calculate subsite or dotlrn package_ids
if {![string equal "this" $scope]} {
# don't send package_id if its not searching this package
set search_package_id ""
} else {
set search_node_id [site_node::get_node_id_from_object_id -object_id $search_package_id]
if {[string equal "dotlrn" [site_node::get_element -node_id $search_node_id -element package_key]]} {
set search_package_id [site_node::get_children -node_id $search_node_id -element package_id]
What's the purpose for this scope var? I couldn't find any definition for it, and I'm losing the the package_id in the search results page. So, if I have to go to page number two in my results, the next page doesn't take the package_id, and the search is performed in the entire site.