Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: cronjob error: handle "0or1row" is not of type "PostgreSQL"
This is not easy to diagnose from the outside without having such a setup. Can you give a short description of your setup (e.g. defined db-pools) and call (sample query)...
Maybe this is a caching bug.
It is a scheduled procedure that runs from the package cronjob. We are also not able to duplicate every time ourselves. So it could be a hard one to find. It does make sense that it could be a caching issue.
I have noticed that (when it does happen) we think it happens when we switch between using the default DB in queries and using the -dbn option for other queries.
When we use the new "Run Now" option in package cronjob then it does seem to work fine the times we have tried that. Also, running it from the shell seems to work fine too. But when the scheduled procedure gets in "the mode" it happens regularly on our system for those report that switch back and forth between the two DBs.
Here is our db-pool setup -- I have removed usernames and passwords as well as renamed pools etc.
ns_section ns/server/${server}/db if {$use_oracle eq "true"} { ns_param pools pool1,pool2,pool3,xx1Pool,xx2Pool,xx3Pool } else { ns_param pools pool1,pool2,pool3 } ns_param defaultpool pool1 if {$use_oracle eq "true"} { ns_section ns/server/${server}/acs/database ns_param database_names [list main xx1 xx2 xx3 ] ns_param pools_main [list pool1 pool2 pool3] ns_param pools_xx1 [list xx1Pool] ns_param pools_xx2 [list xx2Pool] ns_param pools_xx3 [list xx3Pool] } ns_section ns/db/pools ns_param pool1 "Pool 1" ns_param pool2 "Pool 2" ns_param pool3 "Pool 3" if {$use_oracle eq "true"} { ns_param xx1Pool "xx1 Pool" ns_param xx2Pool "xx2 Pool" ns_param xx2Pool "xx3 Pool" } ns_section ns/db/pool/pool1 # ns_param maxidle 0 # ns_param maxopen 0 ns_param connections 15 ns_param LogMinDuration 0.01 ;# when sql logging is on, log only statements above this duration ns_param logsqlerrors $debug if { $database eq "oracle" } { ns_param driver ora8 ns_param datasource {} ns_param user $db_name ns_param password $db_password } else { ns_param driver postgres ns_param datasource ${db_host}:${db_port}:${db_name} ns_param user $db_user ns_param password "" } ns_section ns/db/pool/pool2 # ns_param maxidle 0 # ns_param maxopen 0 ns_param connections 5 ns_param LogMinDuration 0.01 ;# when sql logging is on, log only statements above this duration ns_param logsqlerrors $debug if { $database eq "oracle" } { ns_param driver ora8 ns_param datasource {} ns_param user $db_name ns_param password $db_password } else { ns_param driver postgres ns_param datasource ${db_host}:${db_port}:${db_name} ns_param user $db_user ns_param password "" } ns_section ns/db/pool/pool3 # ns_param maxidle 0 # ns_param maxopen 0 ns_param connections 5 #ns_param LogMinDuration 0.00 ;# when sql logging is on, log only statements above this duration ns_param logsqlerrors $debug if { $database eq "oracle" } { ns_param driver ora8 ns_param datasource {} ns_param user $db_name ns_param password $db_password } else { ns_param driver postgres ns_param datasource ${db_host}:${db_port}:${db_name} ns_param user $db_user ns_param password "" } if {$use_oracle eq "true"} { # Define pools for openintra db in Oracle ns_section ns/db/pool/xx1Pool ns_param maxidle 1000000000 ns_param maxopen 1000000000 ns_param connections 5 ns_param verbose ns_param extendedtableinfo true ns_param logsqlerrors ns_param driver oracle ns_param datasource ns_param user ns_param password ns_section ns/db/pool/xx2Pool ns_param maxidle 1000000000 ns_param maxopen 1000000000 ns_param connections 5 ns_param verbose ns_param extendedtableinfo true ns_param logsqlerrors ns_param driver oracle ns_param datasource ns_param user ns_param password ns_section ns/db/pool/xx3Pool ns_param maxidle 1000000000 ns_param maxopen 1000000000 ns_param connections 5 ns_param verbose ns_param extendedtableinfo true ns_param logsqlerrors ns_param driver oracle ns_param datasource ns_param user ns_param password }
Thanks for you assistance