The fix will go into the upgrade scripts of the 5.3 series.
If you are running 5.2 and postgres, and you do not want to wait or you do not want to upgrade soon to 5.3 (for unknown reasons) do the following:
- connect the the database via psql
- \df content_revision__new
- if you see 7 versions of content_revision__new, everything is fine, nothing to be done.
- if you see 4 versions, you should source the mentioned .sql-file.
if you are running 5.1 (or something earlier) the fix might help or not. i have no such animal around. In general, sourcing the .sql stored procedures of the accompanying version should not harm. Any way, i would recommend to make a database dump before sourcing the .sql-file in case you destroy something.
Hope this answers your questions...
best regards
-gustaf neumann