Forum OpenACS Q&A: oracle upgrade -> gigantic memory leaks

hi all,

I'm running Oracle / AOLserver 3.4.2 / ACS 4 tcl. I've just
upgraded Oracle from, and now the nsd process is leaking
memory in a bad way. I get about 15000 dynamic page requests per day,
some with heavy SQL, and by the end of the day my nsd process has
ballooned up to about 1.3GB, with no signs of stopping. I'm all for
caching, but this is ridiculous. 😉 Is anyone with OpenACS is
experiencing the same problem? Before the Oracle upgrade, things were
quite stable for weeks at a time (though Oracle was hopelessly
buggy), but now I'm having to restart the web server a couple times a
day just to keep things under control. Any insights?


Posted by Jun Yamog on
Hi Carl,

I am unsure if 9i is supported by OpenACS.  There is port by ybos of ACS classic 4.2 to 9i.  The probably cause of that memory leak is the oracle driver.  Hopefully someone will post a more authoritive answer.  But I know no one using 9i for production, even for development.

Posted by Doug Harris on
This has been discussed in other threads, but I'll add a reply here for those who search about oracle memory leaks...

The Oracle linux client has some pretty serious memory leaks. Upgrade the Oracle client to or higher and your memory leaks should go away.

Note: this is *not* the AOLserver oracle driver, but the Oracle client software.