Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Upgrade to OpenACS 5.10.0+ Archlinux

Posted by Tyge Cawthon on
Thank you for the fast reply.
I used the yay package manager. Worked really well updating PostgreSQL, NaviServer, TCL. etc. and I would recommend and use this method for future OpenACS and system related applications requirements updates. Nice job.

In the past, I have always done new installs and thought I would try something different this time.

I have a better understanding of what updates involve. There are two types of updates. 1) "system requirements (ie. applications)" and "OpenACS packages".

The yay package manager does the "system requirements" updates whereas the OpenACS package updates are done through the OpenACS application.

A few things I noticed. The update treated the install as if it was a new install. This is good to know.
My files were replaced with new files, and permissions changed. This is why we do backups :)

Here are my findings thus far:
1. Overwrote /usr/lib/systemd/system/openacs.server file
2. Overwrote /etc/naviserver/config-oacs-5.9.1.tcl with config-oacs-5.10.0.tcl.
3. Changed permissions /usr/lib/openacs/* to root:root

Overall, I am very pleased with how it worked. I am making notes like these for future updates for myself and to share.

My site is up and running. I have one issue I need to look into.

When I select "Members" on the left hand side of the browser under "Member State" Sort order (MESSAGE KEY MISSING: 'acs-templating.filter_clear')

Probably something I did.

Thanks again for your response.