Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: NaviServer cluster running inside of docker questions

We are required (for security reasons) to run https port 443 for all communication between processes.

When trying to run the cluster behind nginx using https port 443 I ran into a problem where the code would only support http port 80. Here is my solution to get around this issue.

release/5.10 branch of OACS. with naviserver 4.99.23 build

server-cluser-procs.tcl -> server_cluster_my_config

ad_proc -private server_cluster_my_config {} {
} {

    set driver_section [ns_driversection -driver nsssl]
    set my_ips   [ns_config $driver_section address]
    set my_ports [ns_config -int $driver_section port]

    if {$my_ips eq "" || $my_ports eq ""} {
        set driver_section [ns_driversection -driver nssock]
        set my_ips   [ns_config $driver_section address]
        set my_ports [ns_config -int $driver_section port]

    set my_ips   [ns_config $driver_section address]
    set my_ports [ns_config -int $driver_section port]
    return [list host $my_ips port $my_ports]
If there is a better solution, please let me know. We appreciate your knowledge and assistance;) Marty