Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Re: ns_sendmail replacement?

Posted by Tilmann Singer on
Roberto: great! I have put a few bugs in sdm: - hopefully you'll be able to close them all ;)

Jonathan: While it might be easier to filter, I think it's much nicer to see who the posting is actually from instead of some more or less meaningless robot address. Consider the way most mailing lists work - they have the poster in From: and sometimes add a little list indicator in square brackets in front of the subject, like this: "Re: [foo-devel] the actual subject". Maybe this should be optionally added to forums, don't know. But even without the square bracket indicator I'd rather have the posters originator in the From column of my mail client.

Ben: I didn't suggest to require qmail, rather a wrapper proc like acs_mail_lite::sendmail that calls an implementation like acs_mail_lite::sendmail_impl_qmail or acs_mail_lite::sendmail_impl_ns_sendmail, depending on a parameter setting. Code example follows.

Also I think you meant Maildir format, not mbox for incoming email, afaik that's different.