Part of that is being taken care of currently in the source distribution for AOLserver for OpenACS at I'm currently reworking the script to include downloading OpenACS and creating and instance.
Currently I'm testing the latest version of AOLserver (the addition of tcl8.4 has some nice speed improvements).
I need to continue testing through. I was actually hoping to make a beta version available for OpenACS 4.7.
My current plan is:
o Basic install questions (db name, database type, base installation directory, use daemontools, inetd, or init scripts).
o Download AOLserver, required modules, optional modules)
o Display list of available OpenACS modules, select which to install.
o Download and install modules, create instance.tcl, instance directory, log direcoty.
o Fire up nsd -ft instance.tcl of package installation.
The basic framework is in my original code (on uptime) but
I'm open to ideas.