Forum OpenACS Development: Re: JSON parser for TCL/NaviServer

Posted by Neophytos Demetriou on
The first version is out. It includes commands for:
  • (a) Simple transformations between TCL and JSON with the typed notation (L for list, M for object or map, S for string, N for number, and BOOL for boolean)
  • (b) Manipulate objects and arrays (add, replace, and delete items and elements) in the JSON.
  • (c) Perform JSONPath queries (NEW)
  • (d) Serialize to JSON, pretty JSON, or a simple TCL structure i.e. string, list, and dict.

NOTES: I have yet to test on macOS. To be honest, I am still debating with myself whether to buy a mac laptop for this or let the community test and provide feedback. I have a feature request that will hopefully go in with the next version (it is completely independent and incremental to the current version). If someone is willing to explain or provide links how they build server modules on Windows, I will gladly support Windows as well. For the time being, tjson has been tested on Linux.