Forum OpenACS Development: Re: CKEditor 5

6: Re: CKEditor 5 (response to 5)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
One should not use the file-storage (unless fiddling with stale images), but rather use the approach based on attachments and child-resources, as used with ckeditor4. (see ckfinder-procs)
7: Re: CKEditor 5 (response to 6)
Posted by Antonio Pisano on
Chances are we can use the same ckfinder backend also for other editors. I will fiddle a bit.
8: Re: CKEditor 5 (response to 7)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
would be cool. ... it might be moved to some core package (acs-templating or attachments).
9: Re: CKEditor 5 (response to 8)
Posted by Antonio Pisano on

In attachments and richtext-tinymce I have implemented something similar to what we have done on LEARN: a generic UI that does not rely on the specific editor API, integrated via a trivial plugin in the editor package.

I have used some of the api from the previous implementation, but to keep the interface "editor agnostic", I could not use any of the "CKEditor tech".

If you have a look at the plugin code for tinymce, there is actually very little going on: it opens an iframe to the attachments page and waits until the iframe sends a message containing the content we are supposed to inject on the page. I expect this to be possible In a very similar way for other editors, e.g. ckeditor5.

To test it, install the latest richtext-tinymce, then in the site-wide DefaultConfig parameter input something like like:

relative_urls "false"
menu "{insert: { title: 'Insert', items: 'oacsAttachments | charmap hr' }}" 
external_plugins {{oacsAttachments: '/resources/richtext-tinymce/plugins/oacsAttachments.js'}}
plugins "oacsAttachments"
toolbar "blocks fontsize | bold italic underline strikethrough forecolor backcolor subscript superscript | link unlink anchor | oacsAttachments | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify numlist bullist | removeformat table hr tlfMathJax | fullscreen code"

(the important is to load the plugin and make it part of menu, toolbar or both somehow)

Let me know if this goes in the right direction.

