Forum OpenACS Q&A: Links show IP addresses when selected after upgarde 5-10-0 to 5-10-1bxx

Public URL:
Links worked using 5-10-0 July 31
Upgrade all packages from OpenACS repository Aug 1 to 5-10-1bxx

Our router configuration has not changed for 20+ years

Here is a small clip of config-oacs-5-10-0.tcl file
# note: public ipaddress
# default values
# hostname localhost
# ipaddress
# #
set defaultConfig {
httpport 80
httpsport 443

Hover over any subsite i.e BtcTest Notice lower left corner url is correct

However, if you are outside and select the BtcTest the IP will be in the browser address bar.

if you are inside the network and select BtcTest the IP will appear in the browser address bar.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Tyge - code from site
Is there a global setting to force the "a href" link from /btctest to
Hi Tyge,

When you are updating via repository, you get the version tagged for APM release. This is (intentionally) not the newest version from the repository (a package maintainer has to release it).

We are in the process of finishing up the OpenACS 5.10.1 release, where much of the computations concerning the location were generalized to cope with cluster setups. I would not be surprised, if this fixes the issue you are seeing.

Please stay tuned, the release candidate should be out soon (with appropriate tagging for APM).

Thank you for the response. Excellent news about OpenACS 5-10-1.
Sorry for taking up your valuable time. I now better understand the release process.

I should hove know better seeing the 5.10.1b1 With b1 being beta.

I mistakenly thought the "upgrade from repository" were minor point release fixes to the OpenACS 5-10-0.

Please keep up the excellent work. I wish I could be of more value to the team.

Thank you again.


when you do now an upgrade from repository, you will see the latest packages. Please check.

Concerning your setup: are you using a host-node map pointing to a subsite, or are you seeing this symptom for every subsite? What version of NaviServer are you using?

All the best