Hi Malte,
I agree it's better to get all these filtering rules into OpenACS, rather than rely on installing procmail.
Here are what the regexp's should look like (partially stolen from Mark Aufflick's comment):
# check subject
set no_callback_p [regexp -nocase "(out of.*office|automated response|autoreply)" $subject]
set no_callback_p [regexp "NDN" $subject]
set no_callback_p [regexp "[QuickML] Error" $subject]
# check from
set no_callback_p [regexp -nocase "mailer.*daemon" $from]
# check body
set no_callback_p [regexp -nocase "out of (the )?office" $body]
(Not sure if those are the right variable names for 'from' and 'body')
The out-of-office pieces can come anywhere in the subject, not necessarily at the beginning or end, so I would match without beginning or end-of-line markers.
International Emails are a good question. I don't know how mail clients in different countries format their out of office replies.
Unfortunately autoreplies are not bounces, so we can't just check for mailer-daemon in the From: field. Autoreplies created by mail clients are new, valid emails and are sent from the user's email address.