Hi Matthew,
we are also starting some SCORM based courses on March and I'm currently doing some tests with LORS and SCORM editors.
As a result of my tests, I have come to the following regarding IE7 crashes:
-Tests on dotLRN 2.2.1 (OpenACS5.2):
1)Courses generated with CourseGenie AT crash on IE7 with the following error:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime library
Runtime error
Program C:\..\iexplorer.exe
abnormal program termination
and the left tree is not shown on Opera. Firefox works fine.
2)Courses generated with Reload works fine in the three browsers
3)Courses generated with Exe and exported as IMS work fine. If they are exported as SCORM, I get a different error (see below)
-Tests on dotLRN 2.3.0d (OpenACS5.3):
Courses generated by CourseGenie but now also by Reload and Exe give the above errors in IE7 and Opera. They still work fine in Firefox.
Moreover, courses generated with Exe and exported as SCORM 1.2 gives the following error while navigating the tree (both dotLRN 2.2.1 & 2.3.0):
'Abort course (clicking this will not record tracking info) and the tree disapears even before clicking on this message'
I have found other problems with LORS which I'm posting in a new thread.