Forum OpenACS Q&A: Any of our sites preceeded by https go to sole SSL site instead of theirs!

My OS is Win2000 Server Pro. IIS version 5. We've installed one SSL cert for one of our hosted web site clients. They are identified as If any of our opther web site hosted clients precede their web site address with and https instead of http: then the site is automatically directed to the ProOrthoped SSL protected site. Is there a way that we can configure the https* be directed to the sole certified site? We could use some directio here please.


with https, SSL negotiation occurs before any http. this means you *must* have a seperate IP address per https site, and *any* https connection to the address you're using will be negotiated against the proorthapedic certificate.

look at it this way - http and https are entirely different servers that just happen to be serving the same content. with http you can share multiple sites on a single IP address, but with https this is impossible. the only way to fix your problem is to shift the https enabled site off to it's own IP.

what does this haveto do with openacs however?

you clearly aren't running it, why would you expect microsoft related help here?

my recommendation would be to consider paying microsoft for support, not asking volunteers for it.