Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: OpenFTS 0.3.1 Problems

7: Re: OpenFTS 0.3.1 Problems (response to 1)
Posted by Dan Wickstrom on
If by update you mean take an openfts-0.2 installation and upgrade it to a openfts-0.31 installtion, then the answer is no.  Version 0.2 was based on intarray and version 0.31 is based on tsearch, and the two packages are incompatible.  Essentially, intarray stores lexem ids (crc-32 checksums on a lexem), while tsearch actually stores the lexem itself.  Tsearch is much better in that you can actually look in the db and see what has been indexed.  Since you can't go backwards from a crc-32 sum back to a lexem, I don't see how it would be possible to write an upgrade script.  To upgrade, you would need to install openfts-0.31 and then write a script to force all of the content on your site to be reindexed.  I've done this and it works, but it might take a while, if your site has a lot of content.