Forum OpenACS Development: 'What we tell other users about you'

Posted by xx xx on
Did anybody try to re-use the 'What we tell other users about you' page?

If this page would be editable by users, than it could be used as a personal homepage for community members. I think that would be a great.

What (parts of) OACS-modules are there to provide this?

Using this page by community members: users (openacs) - employees (.WRK) - students (.LRN), could add liveliness to the community or it could serve to promote business, credits, modules, fun, hobby etc. When needed, this page could also be used for events like 'employee of the month', 'student of the week' etcetera.

I want to use this homepage-idea in my own project so I'm curious about the current status of initiatives.

Posted by Ben Koot on
Just a thought...
Why not use the create slide mechanism from Wimpypoint for this?
Posted by xx xx on
Ben, thanks for your suggestion. I tried it, but WimpyPoint is probably not the solution. It is hard to 'design' a homepage with. However, I could be wrong.

I was thinking of a mechanism that would allow a user to choose from layout-templates, themes, master-templates, and individual decorations like upload of background-images, text-HTML-tags, editable CSS1 input or even CSS2 for (drag&drop)positioning. DotLRN does a fair share but I presume some have dealt with editable homepages already.

Posted by Ben Koot on
I guess what you are looking for is sombody that is familiar with CCS and other solutions. sory I can't help you in that department. On the other hand I am looking for same solution you are. For the time being I create pages in frontpage, delete the references to MIcro in the html source, and copy this in a blanc ACS screen. Beause the space in the user profile does not allow this, and life goes on, I now give every registered user a blog, and ad the hyperlink to their personal user page. here's a sample. Blogger does not have the constraints. But I agree it's a hobby solution. Have a nice weekend.
Posted by Ben Koot on
Oops, I meant to link to the start page