I receive the error message below once a minute when the acs_mail_lite sweeper runs. Sendmail seems to be choking but a sendmail restart or aolserver restart does not resolve the problem.
From the mail log there seems to be some kind of bounce loop. How do I resolve this? Any help would be appreciated!
Error: child process exited abnormally
child process exited abnormally
while executing
"close $f"
("uplevel" body line 19)
invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
invoked from within
"with_finally -code {
set sendmail [list [bounce_sendmail] "-f[bounce_address -user_id $rcpt_id -package_id $package_id -message_id $message_id]"..."
(procedure "sendmail" line 6)
invoked from within
"sendmail -from_addr $from_addr -sendlist $to_addr -msg $msg -valid_email_p $valid_email_p -message_id $message_id -package_id $package_id"
(procedure "deliver_mail" line 55)
invoked from within
"deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subject $subject -body $body -extraheaders $extra_headers -bcc $bcc -valid_email_p $valid_emai..."
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
invoked from within
"with_finally -code {
deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subject $subject -body $body -extraheaders $extra_headers -bcc $bcc..."
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $code_block "
("1" arm line 1)
invoked from within
"switch $errno {
0 {
1 {
("while" body line 20)
invoked from within
"while { [db_getrow $db $selection] } {
incr counter
if { [info exists array_val] } {
unset array_val
("uplevel" body line 5)
invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $code_block "
invoked from within
"db_with_handle -dbn $dbn db {
set selection [db_exec select $db $full_statement_name $sql]
set counter 0
while { [db_getrow $..."
(procedure "db_foreach" line 36)
invoked from within
"db_foreach get_queued_messages {} {
with_finally -code {
deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subject $subject -body $body -..."
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
invoked from within
"with_finally -code {
db_foreach get_queued_messages {} {
with_finally -code {
deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subj..."
(procedure "acs_mail_lite::sweeper" line 8)
invoked from within
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval [concat [list $proc] $args]"
(procedure "ad_run_scheduled_proc" line 46)
invoked from within
"ad_run_scheduled_proc {t f 60 acs_mail_lite::sweeper {} 1172612167 0 f}"
Notice: -- starting, ::chat::Chat ::xo::ChatClass->sweep_all_chats (0ms)