Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: OpenFTS 0.3.1 Problems

Posted by Jon Griffin on
If you are upgrading from an earlier version, you may need to wipe out some stuff. I ran into some problems on initialize, so hopefully this will help if you have the same problems.

You may need to drop some other tables:

drop table fts_unknown_lexem;
drop table txt;
drop table fts_conf;

select relname from pg_class where relname like 'index%';
I also changed the function create proc to create or replace in admin/initialize-2.tcl. Since this release is incompatible with < 7.2 PG I will check this fix in.

Posted by tammy m on
It seems like the change: I also changed the function create proc to create or replace in admin/initialize-2.tcl. Since this release is incompatible with < 7.2 PG I will check this fix in.

did not make it into the code base since I'm using 4.6.1 release of oacs and having the same problem with ERROR: Relation 'txt' already exists when installing OpenFTS Driver.

When I manually drop the txt table, the driver install succeeds. I didn't have an older version of OpenFTS installed but had other issues on my install and dropped my OpenFTS driver and reinstalled it. Then I got the error with the txt table existing.