nsjava is a loadable c-module for aolserver that embeds a java virtual machine in-process and provides for scripting of java objects from within aolserver tcl and adp pages. The following features are supported:
* Full access to aolserver database api from within java classes.
* Create instances of Java objects from Tcl.
* Invoke instance methods on a Java object from Tcl.
* Invoke methods on array objects.
* Invoke static Java methods from Tcl.
* Get and Set Java Field values from Tcl.
* Determine if a Tcl object is an instance of a Java Class.
* Introspect Java Objects from Tcl.
* Throw and Catch Java exceptions from Tcl.
* Lock and Unlock Java objects so that they aren't garbage collected.
* Import and un-import java classes.
This release is minor release to support building nsjava with the latest version of aolserver (3.5.1). The following additional changes/improvements have also been made:
1. Created ns_conn content command for supporting web-services.
2. Now throws exception for use of db interface in startup thread.
3. Removed implicit -D from JavaOption so any command line switch can be used.
4. Removed references to java.awt package in test scripts.
5. Added documentation and example for jdbc driver for postgresql.
For more info, see http://nsjava.sf.net/