Forum OpenACS Q&A: Aolserver File Permissions... "denied"

I've just added a new 3rd virtual domain to my site (RH7 OpenACS 3x) using Jerry Asher's Virtual host setup... All is working well except for the log files in /web/log/ for this new domain and "user" nsa3. The error is "Permission denied"

SO in this log directory I have entries like:

-rw-r--r--    1 nsamain  vhost     2584727 Nov 16 11:27 nsamain.access.log

WHen I log on as nsa3 and try to touch a file it is true, permission IS denied....

So is there some place other than /etc/group to set permissions for this new AOLserver instance? This is driving me nutty I have the same group settings for the new nsa3 as for the perfectly running nsa1 and nsa2 instances.... Logging in as nsa1 and touching a file works.... as ...nsa1 vhost....myfile

Please, someone help me with the obious... I see the trees but not the forest.



Posted by Tilmann Singer on
What about granting the group write access to the file?
chmod g+w nsamain.access.log
Also you can use the groups command to find out what groups the current user really belongs to.
Posted by MaineBob OConnor on

Hi Tilmann,

    "Also you can use the groups command to find out what groups the current user really belongs to."

Thanks, the groups command set me on the right track.... I had been modifying the /etc/group file with no effect..., Instead, I need to use the usermod command to add groups to nsa3.
